Not All Sleep Supplements are Created Equally | Sip2Sleep®

Not All Sleep Supplements are Created Equally


There are seemingly countless vitamins, supplements, and OTC solutions that promise better sleep. Whether it’s B6, melatonin, or more sleep-centric solutions like ZzzQuil and Unisom, there is one thing these options have in common: they might not be helping at all—or, worse, they could be harmful in the long run. Recently, studies have shown that in many cases, vitamins and some dietary supplements are “useless.” Researchers at Northwestern Medicine report that in 2021, the US spent almost $50 billion on vitamins and supplements. This was partially due to the COVID-19 pandemic making people reach for ways to fill nutritional gaps in their diet to stay healthy while others were experiencing insomnia due to stress and worry. But, according to these researchers, the most common supplements don’t actually do much.

If you aren’t pregnant and are otherwise healthy, there simply isn’t enough evidence that most vitamins—even the organic ones—are able to prevent conditions and diseases. According to the lead author, many people are “wasting money and focus thinking there has to be a magic set of pills that will keep them healthy when we should all be following the evidence-based practices of eating healthy and exercising.” But what if there was a solution that actually followed the guidelines of “eating healthy?” Introducing a lesser-known solution with just two ingredients: tart cherry extract and Venetron®.

Two Simple Ingredients

A 2018 study showed that Montmorency tart cherry extract may be a fantastic solution to achieving better sleep. Venetron® has the added benefit of stress reduction. Both are derived from nature and can be a simple, drinkable addition to a healthy diet. Simply drink your Sip2Sleep® before bedtime as part of your nightly routine. It’s not melatonin. It’s not a pharmaceutical. It’s derived straight from nature.

If you’ve been trying different pills and potions and not getting the results you want, the research team says there’s a good reason for that. They performed a systematic review of 84 unique studies and found “insufficient evidence” that typical multivitamins and supplements help with the most serious of conditions, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Still, they stress that they aren’t saying “don’t take multivitamins, but there’s this idea that if these were really good for you, we’d know by now.” The team is especially wary about beta-carotene because some studies have shown a potential increased risk of lung cancer.

The Most “Serious” Concerns

Researchers were particularly interested in more aggressive conditions like cancer and cardiovascular disease, but bear in mind that lack of sleep can be a co-morbidity of several “more serious” conditions—including heart disease. If you get the quality sleep you need, you are going to have better health than those who don’t. This doesn’t guarantee you won’t develop heart disease or the myriad of other co-morbidities commonly associated with insomnia—but it won’t hurt.

The good news is that, increasingly, people are becoming aware of the importance of sleep. Bragging about lack of sleep is no longer the badge of honor it once was. However, now there is the question of how to get enough quality sleep. This can have people reaching for sleeping pills and vitamins. Sleeping pills can cause dependency if used too regularly, and many cases of insomnia are chronic. Vitamins may not help much at all. Actually, supplementing your diet with ingredients derived from nature may be the solution for you.

Shifting Our Focus

Over half of US adults take dietary supplements, and the researchers expect this number to increase. They are urging everyone to get the nutrients they need from “fruits and vegetables.” Otherwise, pills may contain a “host of other dietary components” that may not be helpful for a particular person. A supplement that is organic and with minimal ingredients is key—like Sip2Sleep®.

If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or travel often and are prone to jet lag, you need to complement good sleep hygiene with best practices. Sip2Sleep® may be a healthy part of an evening routine to help cue your body and brain that it’s time to get some zzz’s. It can also complement other approaches to better sleep, such as cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). Best practices like a warm bath before bed, avoiding caffeine and alcohol prior to sleeping, and getting enough physical activity during the day are all part of achieving better sleep.

Learn more about how Sip2Sleep® may help today and order your first bottle.

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