Why Sleep is Important for Your Health | Sip2Sleep

Why Sleep is Important for Your Health

We live in a time and culture where it’s a brag to say how little sleep you get, and insomnia has become the norm for many. However, sleep is just as essential to your well-being as a healthy diet—if not more so. Lack of quality sleep is associated with a number of comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes, an increased risk of cardiac events and stroke, high blood pressure, and earlier death, to name just a few. Sip2Sleep is a natural sleep aid that helps you get better sleep, without medications. Now available for purchase online, we invite you to try Sip2Sleep today.

The Heart of the Insomnia Manner

Everyone suffers from occasional, acute insomnia, such as jet lag. However, long-lasting chronic insomnia is estimated to occur in 10 percent of adults. Children can struggle with insomnia, too, though it’s less common. Children and teens with insomnia have unique challenges since sleep is essential to growth and development. Without good sleep, everyone suffers from a slowed-down ability to learn, react, work, think, and socialize. Physically, insomnia affects the heart and circulatory system, respiratory system, immune system, and metabolism.
When you enter non-REM sleep, the heart rate and blood pressure drop (which is why you feel colder when sleeping).

When you are sleeping, your parasympathetic system is in charge of the body, so your heart doesn’t have to work as much as it does when you’re awake. The sympathetic system is kick-started both during REM and when you are waking up, which increases the blood pressure and heart rate to “normal” awake levels. However, a severe increase in heart rate and blood pressure while waking up has been associated with chest pain, angina, and heart attacks. If you don’t get enough sleep or if you wake up a lot during the night, you face a higher risk of stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease.

Your metabolism also suffers with chronic insomnia. How we handle fat storage and use is partially dictated by circadian rhythms. One thing our circadian clocks do is ensure our liver is ready to digest fats at the right time. That’s why our body tackles fat processing differently if we eat at strange or always-changing times. When it comes to sleep and metabolism, studies have shown that lack of sleep leads to a decreased capacity to respond to insulin, eating more (particularly sweet, salty, and fatty foods), less physical activity, and even metabolic syndrome.

Breathe Easier with Better Sleep

Lack of sleep can also lead to many immune and respiratory issues. Sleep affects our immune system, which has different activity levels based on time of day. When we are sleeping, a certain immune cell works very hard—but if we don’t get enough sleep, it can’t do its job. That’s why those who don’t get enough sleep tend to fall ill more often.

Plus, sleep is essential not just for learning but also for storing long-term memories. If you don’t get enough sleep, it becomes difficult to think clearly and focus on tasks. Since we have all had poor sleep in the past, you know how tough it can be the next morning to just “get through the day.” That’s a daily struggle for those with insomnia, but if you’ve had this condition for a long time that sluggishness might feel like the norm.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Every person is different and we tend to need less sleep as we get older. The “average” is eight hours, but some adults need more and some need less. Ultimately, the amount of sleep you need is going to be unique, but it should be enough undisturbed sleep that you feel refreshed and clear-headed in the morning. Studies have shown that adults who get less than seven hours of sleep per night have more health issues than those who get more.

If you struggle to fall asleep, wake up a lot during the night, or wake up in the morning feeling groggy, there is a chance you have insomnia. The sooner you get help—and the quality and amount of sleep you need—the sooner you can reclaim your health and happiness. Start your journey toward fantastic sleep by trying Sip2Sleep today.

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